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work , she just could not handle it . So , she started avoiding this job . The Sisters noticed it and were very astonished . So , at noon , during the Examination of Conscience , she protested to the Lord about her weakness . He assured her , “ From today on , you will do this easily ; I shall strengthen you .” That evening , when it was her time again to drain off the water from the potatoes , she hurried to be the first one to do it , trusting in Jesus ’ words . She picked up the big pot and poured off the water from the potatoes with ease ! But , when she uncovered the pot to let the potatoes steam off , she saw instead , a “ whole bunches of red roses , beautiful beyond description .” She was amazed by it and unable to comprehend its meaning . She then heard Jesus ’ voice tell her interiorly , “ I change such hard work of yours into bouquets of most beautiful flowers , and their perfume rises up to My throne .” Thereafter , Sr . Faustina herself drained the potatoes , not only when it was her turn to cook , but also when it was the turn of the other Sisters to cook . She also volunteered to be the first one to help in other difficult tasks , “ because I have experienced how much this pleases God ” ( Diary , # 65 ).
( Diary , # 184 ): Sr . Faustina wrote in her Diary on spending a Holy Hour at some point . When she began meditating on Chris ’ s Passion she was unable to continue to do so because the Child Jesus appeared by her side . His Presence penetrated her soul and filled it with immense joy . When she asked Him why He presented Himself as so little , yet the Creator of the world , Jesus replied , “ I am , and I keep company with you as a little Child to teach you humility and simplicity .” She then gathered together all of her sufferings and troubles into a ( spiritual ) bouquet for Jesus , for the day of her perpetual bethrothal ( scheduled on May 1 , 1933 ). 174 Nothing was too hard for her since it was for her Bethrothed , as proof of her love for Him . She also wrote that she tried to observe great silence in her heart for Jesus , although at times , it cost her much
174 Ibid ., Faustina , Diary , xxxiv .