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of love, and I know no other love, because it is from the beginning that my soul has sunk deeply in the Lord as in its only treasure” (Diary, # 1021). (25.3) Seek Transformation by Jesus to Give the Self Fully to Others (Diary, # 193) Sr. Faustina wrote in her Diary, “My heart is a permanent dwelling place for Jesus. No one but Jesus has access to it. It is from Jesus that I derive strength to fight difficulties and oppositions. I want to be transformed into Jesus in order to be able to give myself completely to souls. Without Jesus, I would not get near to souls, because I know what I am of myself. I absorb God into myself in order to give Him to souls” (Diary, # 193). (25.4) Seek Transformed Union by the Trinity to Share in the Saints’ Happiness 289 Sr. Faustina wrote in her Diary: On one occasion, God’s presence pervaded my whole being, and my mind was mysteriously enlightened in respect to His Essence. He allowed me to understand His interior life. In spirit, I saw the Three Divine Persons, but Their Essence was One. He is One, and One only, but in Three Persons; none of Them is either greater or smaller; there is no difference in either beauty or sanctity, for They are One. They are absolutely One. His Love transported me into this knowledge and united me with Himself. When I was united to One, I was equally united to the Second and to the Third in such a way that when we are united with One, by that very fact, we are equally united to the two Persons in the same way as with the One. Their will is One, one God, though in Three Persons. When One of the Three Persons communicates with a soul, by the power of that one will, it finds itself united with the Three Persons and is inundated in the happiness flowing from the Most Holy Trinity, the same happiness that nourishes the Saints. This same happiness that streams from the Most Holy Trinity makes all creation happy; from it springs that life which vivifies and bestows all life, which takes its beginning from Him. In these moments, my soul experienced such great divine delights that I find this difficult to express (Diary, # 911). (25.5) The Interior Spiritual Espousal between God and the Soul is Trinitarian 290 (Diary, # 1020): Sr. Faustina wrote in her Diary in March 1937, “I understand the spiritual espousal of a soul with God, which has no exterior manifestation. It is a purely interior 289 290 Ibid., Faustina, Diary, # 911. Ibid., Faustina, Diary, # 1030, 1304. 169