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undertook humbly, patiently, and dutifully. 39 She stayed in the different convents in Cracow, Vilnius, Plock, Kiekrz, Biala, and Warsaw, as seen fit by her superiors. 40 Exteriorly, she showed no hint of an exquisite interior spiritual life; with her singular life of union with the Triune God and practice of heroic self-immolation, for His sake and that of souls, in Christ. 41 Over the years, although unseen, her life in the convent was punctuated by “extraordinary gifts, such as revelations, visions, hidden stigmata, participation in the Passion of the Lord, bilocation, the reading of human souls, prophecy, (ecstasy), and the rare gift of mystical espousal and marriage.” 42 In addition, “her (simple) living relationship with the Trinity, the Blessed Mother, the angels, the saints, the souls in Purgatory - with the entire supernatural world - was as real for her as the world she perceived with the senses.” 43 She lived a hidden, quiet, pure, and a humble life in God’s presence, detached from herself and the world; at times feeling troubled, yet wholly trusting in His will for her, and remaining in God’s “profound peace” (Diary, # 143). 44 But she also deemed herself “a sinful soul” or as “an abyss of nothingness” in need of God’s mercy (Diary, # 1485, 256); a “weak” soul or a “helpless child” in need of a mother (Diary, # 264); or one “striving for perfection” who puts her hope in Him, amid adversities (Diary, # 1578, 995). She portrayed her spiritual giftedness in her Diary, in this way: Neither graces, nor revelations, nor raptures, nor gifts granted to a soul make it perfect, but rather the intimate union of the soul with God. These gifts are merely ornaments of the soul, but constitute neither its essence nor its perfection. My sanctity and perfection consist in the close union of my will with the Will of God (Diary, # 1107)… 39 Ibid., Faustina, Diary, Endnotes, 661 n 60-61; Odell, Faustina, 44-45. Ibid., Faustina, Diary, xvi, xxii, xl-xli; Addenda, 701. 41 Ibid., Faustina, Diary, # 952, 954-955, xvi, xxxv; Vatican News Service, “Faustina,” 1; EWTN, “St. Faustina,” 1. 42 Ibid., Faustina, Diary, # 1057, xvi, xli; EWTN, “St. Faustina,” 1; Vatican News Service, “Faustina,” 1. 43 Ibid., Faustina, Diary, Addendum, 707; EWTN, “St. Faustina,” 1; Vatican News Service, “Faustina,” 1. 44 Ibid., Faustina, Diary, # 785; xvi-xvii; Addendum, 707-708; EWTN, “St. Faustina,” 1; Vatican News Service, “Faustina,” 1. 40 7