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suffer . The soul knows very well what God is asking of it , and it carries out His holy will despite adversities .”
( 24.7 ) Union with God : It is Hard for the Soul to Articulate the Experience 287
( Diary , # 768 ): According to Sr . Faustina , it is difficult for a soul in union with God to articulate his experience . But , it can easily recognize a spiritual kindred soul , even with little contact with each other ; and there are not many around . She wrote in her Diary :
It is a strange thing that although the soul which experiences this union with God cannot find words and expressions to describe it , nevertheless , when it meets a similar soul , the two understand each other extraordinarily well in regard to these matters , even though they speak but little with each other . A soul united with God in this way easily recognizes a similar soul , even if the latter has not revealed its interior [ life ] to it , but merely speaks in an ordinary way . It is a kind of spiritual kinship . Souls united with God in this way are few , fewer than we think ( Diary , # 768 ).
( 24.8 ) The Soul ’ s Union with the Divine , a “ Miracle of God ” ( Diary , # 767 ) Sr . Faustina wrote in her Diary on the soul ’ s union with the Divine , which is a “ purely spiritual ” and a “ miracle of God .” She shared her experience in a most moving way in her Diary :
My communion with the Lord is now purely spiritual . My soul is touched by God and wholly absorbs itself in Him , even to the complete forgetfulness of self . Permeated by God to its very depths , it drowns in His beauty ; it completely dissolves in Him – I am at a loss to describe this , because in writing I am making use of the senses ; but there , in that union , the senses are not active ; there is a merging of God and the soul ; and the life of God to which the soul is admitted is so great that the human tongue cannot express it . When the soul returns to its habitual form of life , it then sees that this life is all darkness and mist and dreamlike confusion , an infant ’ s swaddling clothes . In such moments the soul only receives from God , for of itself it does nothing ; it does not make even the slightest effort ; all in her is wrought by God . But , when the soul returns to its ordinary state , it sees that it is not within its power to continue in this union . These moments are short , but their effects are lasting . The soul cannot remain long in this state ; or else it would be forcibly freed of the bonds of the body forever . Even as it is , it is sustained by a miracle of God . God allows the soul to know in a clear way how much He loves it , as though it were the only object of
287 Ibid ., Faustina , Diary , 768 .