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the guidance of the Holy Spirit, these could facilitate a greater depth of understanding of the mysteries of the Faith and help in “the salvation of souls,” as well. 268 III B.14 Faithfulness to God and to the Divine Calling is Tested in Suffering (Diary, # 9) (Diary, # 9): Sr. Faustina wrote in her Diary that she was experiencing deep torments of soul when she attended a dance party with one of her sisters. At that time, she was still a layperson and had been ignoring her call to be a Religious. She had just started to dance when the tortured, scourged, and stripped Jesus, in excruciating pain, appeared beside her, and said, “How long shall I put up with you and how long will you keep putting Me off?” Everything seemed to stop at that moment and only Jesus and Sr. Faustina seemed present in that room. She then quickly left the party unnoticed and went to the Cathedral of Saint Stanislaus Kostka. Without minding what others in the church might think of her, she lay prostrate before t