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presence of God, which she enjoys almost constantly, leaves her, she then tries to continue living in lively faith. Her soul understands that there are periods of rest and periods of battle. Through her will, she is always with God. Her soul, like a knight, is well trained in battle; from afar it sees where the foe is hiding and is ready (258) for battle. She knows she is not alone – God is her strength (Diary, # 890). (12.2) Loving God and Souls Amid Torments in One’s Vocation (Diary, # 1014) On March 12, 1937, Sr. Faustina wrote in her Diary on seeing in a vision, a certain Priest who appeared very tired. The Lord was pleased with this soul who was slated for an arduous road as a Priest, and “the fruits of his work are alive.” Sr. Faustina then prayed for Priests, including this particular one, “May God give us many such souls, capable of loving Him (and other souls) in the midst of the greatest torments.” (12.3) Charity to a Soul About to Commit Mortal Sin (Diary, # 291) On one occasion, by infused knowledge, Sr. Faustina learned that a person was about to commit a mortal sin. She offered herself to the Lord to make reparation for his sin; thus, to send her “the greatest torments, so that that soul could be saved” (Diary, # 291). Then unexpectedly, she felt the great pain from a crown of thorns placed on her head. She endured this suffering for an unspecified period, all for this soul, who subsequently remained in God’s grace. Sr. Faustina continued: O my Jesus, how very easy it is to become holy; all that is needed is a bit of good will. If Jesus sees this little bit of good will in the soul, He hurries to give Himself to the soul, and nothing can stop Him, neither shortcomings nor falls – absolutely nothing. Jesus is anxious to help that soul, and if it is faithful to this grace from God, it can very soon attain the highest holiness possible for a creature here on earth. God is very generous and does not deny His grace to anyone. Indeed, He gives more than what we ask of Him. Faithfulness to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit – that is the shortest route (Diary, # 291). 144