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petitioned “the whole of Heaven to join” her in making reparation for their offenses, especially for their lack of gratitude to God. She also offered an hour of adoration for the same intention. (17.6) On Praying and Applying God’s Gift of Joy from the Self to Others 218 (Diary, # 864): A particular girl poured the depths of her excruciating pain as an orphan to Sr. Faustina. But, Sr. Faustina soon realized that this soul was unreachable; mere words of comfort were found to be wanting in her case. Sr. Faustina then prayed to the Lord and begged Him that His gift of joy be transferred instead to this orphan girl. The Lord answered her prayers and Sr. Faustina “was left only with the consolation that she had been consoled.” (17.7) On Praying and Faulting the Self for the Trials of a Soul (Diary, # 1608) Sr. Faustina wrote in her Diary that she “learned of some of the sufferings and troubles that a certain person (probably Fr. Sopocko) 219 was going through in connection with this whole work of God (the Divine Mercy mission).” Thus, she asked the Lord Jesus, before she went to Holy Communion, to give her a sign, to let her know if the sufferings of this soul “were caused” by Sr. Faustina or if He was “displeased” with the work. Thus, upon entering her heart; if the Lord found her “at fault in this matter” or if He was “displeased” with the work, to cause “unrest” to her soul; but, if she was “not guilty (to) confirm me in peace.” During Holy Communion, the Lord affirmed her in “great peace;” and disclosed in her heart, as well that, “The work was undergoing a trial, but was no less pleasing to God because of this.” Sr. Faustina was then filled with “great joy.” She then intensified her prayers that the Divine Mercy work would remain “unharmed.” (17.8) On Suffering and Praying for a Saintly Spiritual Director (Diary, # 938-941) 218 219 Ibid., Faustina, Diary, # 864. Ibid., Faustina, Diary, Endnotes, 688n236. 120