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union with Jesus’ dying on the Cross. (13.1) “A Share in the Redemption of Mankind…Solace in Jesus’ Dying Hour” 196 (Diary, # 310). On March 29, 1934 on Holy Thursday, at the Holy Mass, Jesus on the Cross told Sr. Faustina about His particular desire during the final hour of His mortal life on earth, “I am giving you a share in the redemption of mankind. You are solace in My dying hour.” (Diary, # 1609): Sr. Faustina wrote in her Diary, that in her meditation of union with Jesus on the Cross, she felt her soul “constantly stretched out on the Cross and was being filled with bitterness.” She also tasted the vinegar and the gall, which helped her to grasp the biting anguish of Jesus’ Sacred Heart while on the Cross. Sadly, throughout His life, His great love for man was repayed with ungratefulness. But, despite His great suffering, He uttered no complaint except that of “looking for someone to console Him and He found none” (Diary, # 1609). (13.2) Acts on Jesus’ Anguished Desire, “I Thirst for the Salvation of Souls” 197 (Diary, # 1032): Sr. Faustina wrote in her Diary that during the Holy Mass, she saw Jesus nailed on the Cross, in great agony, and with a weak groan from His Heart. He said, “I thirst. I thirst for the salvation of souls. Help me my daughter to save souls. Join your sufferings to My Passion and offer them to the Heavenly Father for sinners.” (Diary, # 648): On Good Friday, at three o’clock in the afternoon, Sr. Faustina saw Jesus on the Cross. He looked at her and said, “I thirst.” Then she saw two rays spring from His side, just as it appeared in His Divine Mercy Image. She then felt inspired to “empty” herself wholly to the Lord, and then to “offer” herself “together with the dying Jesus, through Jesus, and in Jesus” as an oblation to the Father for the “salvation of poor sinners in the whole world.” 196 197 Ibid., Faustina, Diary, # 310. Ibid., Faustina, Diary, # 1032, 648. 108