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III A.10 On Suffering in Union with Christ’s Scourging at the Pillar (Diary, 445): Once during evening adoration, Sr. Faustina felt interiorly recollected very quickly. She then saw Jesus tied to a pillar, stripped off His clothes, and the scourging began shortly. Four men took turns to flog Him. Jesus told her, “I suffer even the greater pain than that which you see.” Jesus also made known to her that His scourging was “for sins of impurity” and how great His moral and physical suffering for it. (Diary, # 188): Sr. Faustina also wrote that once during the last days of the carnival, while making a Holy Hour, she saw the Lord again suffer scourging at the pillar. She wrote in her Diary, “His blood flowed to the ground, in some places His flesh started to fall off. I saw a few bare bones on His back. The Lord Jesus moaned softly and sighed.“ Sr. Faustina herself felt Jesus’ great agony during His scourging. Truly, it would be tough, to face Jesus whom sinners tortured so viciously on Judgement Day. III A.11 On Suffering in Union with Christ’s Crowning with Thorns (Diary, # 41): Sr. Faustina wrote that, at some point, she saw in a vision, a Priest who was in danger of committing a grave sin. She then pleaded with God to send her as much suffering as He wanted; if need be, even all of the agonies of Hell, if only to free this soul from the occasion of mortal sin. Soon, God heeded her prayer, and at that very moment, Sr. Faustina felt excruciating pain from a crown of thorns. It pierced her head so forcefully and brutally, that it seemed as if it dug right through her skull and into her brain. This harrowing trial lasted three hours. The Priest responded to grace, was freed from the occasion of committing a grave sin, as well as felt God’s special blessing in his soul. 105