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we have not the faintest idea of how much He suffered for us before He was crucified. My soul was filled with pain and longing; in my soul, I felt great hatred for sin, and even the smallest infidelity on my part seemed to me like a huge mountain for which I must expiate my mortification and penance. When I see Jesus tormented, my heart is torn to pieces, and I think: what will become of sinners if they do not take advantage of the Passion of Jesus: In His Passion, I see a whole sea of mercy. (Diary, # 1627): In early March 1938, Sr. Faustina actually experienced Christ’s Passion in her “whole body,” which she offered for souls. Later, Jesus revealed to her that He granted her prayers for the “conversion of certain souls.” (Diary, # 1247): Once, Sr. Faustina received from the Lord an infused knowledge about a particular soul who displeased Him. She realized the type of sin committed by the soul when she felt sudden pain in both of her hands and feet, as well as on her right side. These seemed to correspond to Jesus’ pierced hands, feet, and side. (Diary, # 12 48): Feeling inspired, she made an act of reparation to the Lord for this soul, which corresponded to the sin committed, by wearing a chain belt for seven hours. At the seventh hour, Sr. Faustina suddenly felt relief, which corresponded to the time when this soul obtained the grace of repentance, as well as remission of sin interiorly, even if it had not yet gone to Confession. (Diary, # 12 48): Sr. Faustina also provided further details on her practices of mortification in reparation for sin, in union with Christ’s Passion. For the sins of the flesh, she mortified her body by fasting, to the degree that the Mother Superior permitted her to do so. For sins of pride, she prayed with her head bowed down and her forehead touching the floor. For sins of hatred, she prayed, as well as did some good act for a person who was difficult to her. (Diary, # 948): The Passion of Jesus teaches to “hate sin, even the smallest infidelity.” In Christ’s Passion, He shows His “whole sea of mercy,” which should move a soul to respond to 100