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Christ, in the power of His Spirit whose gift giving is limitless, compensates for man’s lack, and in accord with the Father’s saving plan for man. It is but right that in order to accept God’s grace, man has to die totally to himself, in Jesus; then to rise up with Him - to be self-giving and to act in His love, for the good of souls. Self-denial must also be permeated with prayer, in accord with man’s three faculties of reason, will, and heart. For through it all, it is by God’s grace that the Christian spouse is enabled to love God as well as imitate Jesus, the Bridegroom who gives Himself wholly and “loves with all the power of His Being” (Diary, # 392). III A.7 On Suffering and Prayer at the Time of Visitation by the Devils (Diary, # 323) In August 1934, Sr. Faustina wrote in her Diary that after receiving the Sacrament of the Sick, she improved a little for a half hour. But then, the physical attack recurred, while alone in her cell. She offered her sufferings in union with Jesus, for the conversion of souls who had no confidence in God’s goodness. She prayed for her needs, as well. Suddenly, her room was filled with “black figures full of anger and hatred for me.” One of them said, “Be damned, you and He who is within you, for you are beginning to torment us even in Hell.” But, as soon as Sr. Faustina prayed, “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us,” they disappeared. III A.8 On Suffering in Union with Christ’s Passion to Win Souls (8.1) The Blessings of Meditating and Suffering in Union with on Christ’s Passion 190 (Diary, # 1621): On March 1, 1938, Sr. Faustina wrote in her Diary on meditating on Christ’s sorrowful Passion, while resting in His Sacred Heart, and uniting with His holy sentiments. She learned that, by God’s grace, in order to obtain His mercy for sinners, she had to 190 Ibid., Faustina, Diary, # 1621, 1625, 1657. 97