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Heaven . Have great trust in the Lord Jesus .” Suffering confirms God ’ s intent for a soul to reach a high mark of holiness ( Diary , # 23 ).
II B . 35 Suffering from Frailty or Defect Does Not Hinder God ’ s Designs 183 ( 35.1 ) “ Courage in Trials : A Sign that God is with that Soul ” 184 Sr . Faustina was at first a scared of the Lord and His awe-inspiring greatness . But later , despite her inadequacies , in God ’ s grace , she received many favors including : regaining her good health , deep peace of soul that no one could unsettle , remarkable inner strength , “ infused power and courage to act ,” as well as direct Divine communications to meet God ’ s demands at that instant , as well as her task with the Divine Mercy mission .
Sr . Faustina came to understand that if the Lord selected a soul for a special mission , He would provide for all of its needs to carry out the task . As she wrote in her Diary , “ So , even if the soul be utterly miserable ; at the Lord ’ s command it can undertake things beyond its expectation , because this is a sign by which it can be known that the Lord is with that soul : if God ’ s power and strength , which make the soul courageous and valiant , is manifest within it ” ( Diary , # 1090 ). She added that amid suffering , a soul united with God ’ s will “ becomes mighty ,” as she noted in her Diary :
When the soul does the will of the Most High God , even amidst constant pain and torments … it becomes mighty , and nothing will daunt it … It ascends toward the heights of Jesus , and though ever drinking bitterness – it is not sad … Though tortured , it repeats : Your will be done , patiently awaiting the moment of its transfiguration … Although it is not easy … to be nailed to the cross of various pains , still , I am inflamed with love by loving . And like a Seraph , I love God , though I am but weakness ( Diary , # 995 )… Oh , how pleasing are the hymns flowing from a suffering soul ! All heaven delights in such a soul , especially when it is tested by God . It mournfully sings out its longing for Him . Great is its beauty ,
183 Ibid ., Faustina , Diary , # 1090 , 40 . 184 Ibid ., Faustina , Diary , # 1090 .