Diet Mail Diet Mantra Wellness Magazine | Page 6

FOOD FACTS BY NAMITA JAIN I am 63 yrs old. I recently visited my cardiologist for a health check up and after certain tests Doctor has told me that working efficiency of my heart has gone down to natural ageing process. Could you please tell the diet which I can follow to keep my heart young and healthy? Ageing is a natural phenomenon and the heart functions begin to slow down with age. The aging process reduces the heart muscle strength. So its pumping power declines and the maximal heart rate (the highest number of times your heart can contract in a minute) also decreases. Follow these dietary guidelines to achieve above goals for healthy and fit heart. Eat a heart-healthy diet with reduced amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol and rich in unrefined, complex carbohydrates. Includes complex carbohydrates in the form of oats, jowar, bajra, wheat bran, wheat flakes, whole grain cereals, husked pulses, nuts, brown rice. Eat small frequent meals as it reduces the burden on the heart. Have 3 major meals and 2-3 small meals of healthy snacks. ยท Limit the cholesterol in your diet to 300milligrams or less, a day. Eggs, meat and dairy products are major sources of cholesterol. One egg yolk contains about 220 milligrams of cholesterol.