Dialogue Volume 15 Issue 1 2019 | Page 57

DISCIPLINE SUMMARIES DR. JUDI DIANNE MARCIN PRACTICE LOCATION: Woodstock AREA OF PRACTICE: Family Medicine (Psychotherapy) HEARING INFORMATION: Proceeded in Absence of Physician, and Counsel On July 25, 2018, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Marcin committed an act of professional misconduct in that: she has been found guilty of an offence relevant to her suitability to practice; she has engaged in conduct or an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofes- sional; she has engaged in conduct unbecoming a physician; she has failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession; and she contravened a term, condition or limitation on her certificate of registration. The Committee also found that Dr Mar- cin is incompetent. The alleged misconduct occurred prior to July 7, 2016, when Dr. Marcin ceased to be a member of the College (the Discipline Committee ordered revoca- tion of Dr. Marcin’s certificate of registration in a 2016 hearing). Dr. Marcin did not attend the hearing, nor did counsel attend on her behalf. The College adduced evidence from College In- vestigators, a Compliance Case Manager, Patient A, a representative of OHIP and an expert in family medicine and psychotherapy. After considering the evidence, the Discipline Committee found: • Dr. Marcin contravened a term, condition, or limi- tation on her certificate of registration, and engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct, by breaching her April 2014 undertaking regarding her work hours and working on prohib- ited days of the week. • Dr. Marcin contravened a term, condition, or limi- tation on her certificate of registration, by breach- ing her April 2015 undertaking by practising family medicine outside of the scope of practice. • Dr. Marcin failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession in her practice of fam- ily medicine, by failing to adequately document clinical evaluations, in improper prescribing of lansoprazole and in failing to communicate and collaborate appropriately with another health-care professional regarding Patient X. Dr. Marcin’s lack of judgment is such that she is incompetent in fam- ily medicine. • Dr. Marcin failed to maintain the standard of prac- tice of the profession and displayed a lack of judg- ment in her prescribing of antidepressants to pa- tients. Dr. Marcin’s lack of judgment is such that she is incompetent in her prescribing of antidepressants. • Dr. Marcin engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct, by breaching her April 2015 undertaking by practising family medicine outside of her scope of practice, in misrepresenting herself to third parties as a primary care physician, in failing to maintain the standard of practice of the profession in family medicine and prescribing antidepressants, and in that she displayed a lack of judgment such that she is incompetent in family medicine and prescribing antidepressants. • Dr. Marcin engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct and failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession, in pro- viding care to family members contrary to College policy. • Dr. Marcin has been found guilty of an offence relevant to her suitability to practice by failing to comply with a probation order to pay restitution in relation to a prior conviction for OHIP fraud. This conduct also constitutes conduct unbecoming a physician and disgraceful, dishonourable or unpro- fessional conduct. • Dr. Marcin engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct by violating professional boundaries in relation to and borrowing money from Patient A. ORDER The Discipline Committee ordered immediate re- vocation of Dr. Marcin’s certificate of registration*; a reprimand and payment to the College for its hearing costs in the amount of $30,540. *The Committee noted that physicians have a statutory entitlement to seek reinstatement of their ISSUE 1, 2019 DIALOGUE 57