Dialogue Volume 14 Issue 4 2018 | Page 72

DISCIPLINE SUMMARIES DR. MICHAEL EDMUND MROZEK PRACTICE LOCATION: Toronto AREA OF PRACTICE: Psychiatry HEARING INFORMATION: Failure to Maintain the Standard of Practice (Admission, Agreed Statement of Fact) Disgraceful, Dishonourable, or Unprofessional Conduct (Contested Hearing- Four Days) In April 2018, the Committee found that Dr. Mrozek had failed to maintain the standard of prac- tice of the profession with respect to one patient and that he engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or un- professional conduct in his failure to cooperate with the College and his breach of patient confidentiality. Dr. Mrozek admitted to the allegation that he failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession in his care of Patient A, and a contested hearing was held with respect to the allegation of dis- graceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct. The Committee found that, in his psychiatric care of Patient A, Dr. Mrozek failed to maintain the stan- dard of practice in that he: (i)  failed to recognize or elicit the symptoms of psychosis, particularly hallucinations, delusions and lack of insight into illness by Patient A, and did not attend with adequate care to the opinions of colleagues and information provided by family members; (ii) did not use accepted, standard diagnostic descrip- tors in his documentation regarding Patient A; and (iii) used sub-therapeutic doses of anti-psychotic medication in a form that was unlikely to be taken, and discontinued treatment in an indi- vidual who was likely to relapse. The College alleged that Dr. Mrozek failed to cooperate with the College’s investigation. An Agreed Statement of Facts was also submitted with respect to this allegation. Dr. Mrozek admitted the facts, but denied that the facts supported a finding of disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional con- duct. The Committee found that Dr. Mrozek was willfully non-compliant with the College’s requests 72 DIALOGUE ISSUE 4, 2018 for an interview with the medical inspector, did not respond to all correspondence in a timely fashion, cancelled appointments and attempted to impose unreasonable conditions on the appointment. His delay and attempt to frustrate and set parameters on the interview, in the face of 12 reminders of his duty to co-operate, was a breach of the duty to fully co- operate with College investigators. Further allegations related to a breach of patient confidentiality. The Committee relied on admis- sions by Dr. Mrozek, found in his correspondence to his hospital, that he accessed patient records for those outside his circle of care, without obtaining prior authorization. The Committee found this to be unprofessional conduct. Dr. Mrozek had accessed these charts for the purpose of defending himself in a dispute with the hospital. ORDER The Committee ordered: a six-month suspension; a reprimand; education in the identification and di- agnosis of psychosis; six months of low level clinical supervision, upon return to practice; and a reassess- ment 12 months after the period of supervision. The Committee also ordered Dr. Mrozek to pay costs to the College of $26,680. For complete details, please see the full decision at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Find a Doctor and enter the doctor’s name. DR. CHRISTIAN ANDREW PROULX PRACTICE LOCATION: St. Catharines AREA OF PRACTICE: Family Medicine HEARING INFORMATION: Plea of No Contest; Statement of Uncontested Facts; Joint Submission on Penalty On February 6, 2018, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Proulx committed an act of profes- sional misconduct, in that he failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession, and in that he has engaged in conduct or an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all of the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as unprofessional. The Committee also