Dialogue Volume 14 Issue 3 2018 | Page 45

DISCIPLINE SUMMARIES his home and drive him to the office on the week- ends, when there were no staff members present. To arrange these visits, Dr. Morzaria would call the family home and speak to Patient A and his mother. Patient A’s mother agreed to these outings, which Dr. Morzaria had offered on his own initiative, as Dr. Morzaria was a doctor and she trusted him. Patient A felt he had to go, because he believed Dr. Morzaria was an undercover police officer. During one weekend visit, Dr. Morzaria showed Patient A a magazine or a book with pictures of pri- vate parts and stroked Patient A’s thigh. On other oc- casions, Dr. Morzaria made Patient A sit on his lap, and once, while Patient A was on his lap, he asked Patient A for a kiss. Patient A felt like he had no choice when Dr. Morzaria made him sit on his lap. At one weekend visit, when Patient A’s sibling was with him, Dr. Morzaria grabbed Patient A by his arm and tried to take him into another room. Dr. Morzaria did not let Patient A go until Patient A said he would scream. At another appointment, Patient A cried, and Dr. Morzaria took him home. On the way to his office on weekend visits, Dr. Morzaria took Patient A to a fast food drive-through and bought him food. He told Patient A to keep his head down, and to say that he was Dr. Morzaria’s grandson if asked. Dr. Morzaria promised Patient A a laptop and computer games for visiting him, and later gave Patient A and his family a computer and a laptop. Patient A’s Disclosure of the Abuse At his last appointment, Patient A refused to allow Dr. Morzaria to examine him below the waist. After this appointment, Patient A’s mother became suspi- cious and asked Patient A repeatedly about why he seemed to be acting differently with Dr. Morzaria. Shortly thereafter, Patient A disclosed to his mother that Dr. Morzaria had sexually abused him. Patient A and his mother terminated the doctor-patient rela- tionship with Dr. Morzaria. Dr. Morzaria’s Interference with Police Investigation Dr. Morzaria called Patient A’s house after the mat- ter was reported to the police, and tried to dissuade Patient A’s mother from pursuing her complaint with threats of publicity for her family. ORDER The Discipline Committee ordered: the immediate revocation of Dr. Morzaria’s certificate of registra- tion; a reprimand; reimbursement to the College for funding provided to patients by posting an irrevo- cable letter of credit in the amount of $16,060.00. He was also ordered to pay costs to the College in the amount of $27,500. For complete details of the Order, please see the full decision at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Find a Doctor and enter the doctor’s name. At the conclusion of the hearing, Dr. Morzaria waived his right to an appeal and the Committee administered the public reprimand. DR. ISRAEL SHOEL ROSENHEK PRACTICE LOCATION: Toronto AREA OF PRACTICE: Cardiology HEARING INFORMATION: Plea of No Contest; Statement of Uncontested Facts; Joint Submission on Penalty On October 11, 2017, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Rosenhek engaged in an act or omis- sion relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional. The finding relates to Dr. Rosenhek’s breach of a 2010 Discipline Committee Order in which he was found to have failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession in cardiology between 2005 and 2007 in his care of multiple patients. The 2010 Order required, among other things, that Dr. Rosen- hek practise under the supervision of a clinical super- visor for at least 24 months, and that the supervision be discontinued only upon a satisfactory reassessment of his practice, and the approval of the College. Dr. Rosenhek practised under the supervision of a supervisor until July 2014, who advised the College that in his opinion, Dr. Rosenhek did not require any further supervision. After July 2014, Dr. Rosenhek ISSUE 3, 2018 DIALOGUE 45