Dialogue Volume 14 Issue 2 2018 | Page 32

Physicians in Districts 6 , 7 , 8 and 9 urged to consider running for election

Play a leadership role in medical regulation

Physicians in Districts 6 , 7 , 8 and 9 urged to consider running for election

Do you practise in Districts 6 , 7 , 8 or 9 ? If you are not practising medicine and are still a member of the College , do you live in one of these districts ? If so , this is your opportunity to run for CPSO Council . You have a chance to hold a seat at the Council table and participate in the regulation of medicine . As a Council member , you would participate in the work of College committees and contribute to the development of College policies and programs . Participating in medical regulation is an interesting and fulfilling job . It is your chance to :

BE HEARD : Participate in decisionmaking about standards of practice and professional conduct , and competencies for entry-to-practice and ongoing practice .
BE VISIONARY : Protect the public by sharing ideas and perspectives to help shape the strategic direction of the College .
BE ACCOUNTABLE : Help the College deliver on its mandate of responsible , professional , ethical decision-making in the public interest .
BE INVOLVED : Participate on committees including the Inquiries , Complaints and Reports Committee ;
Discipline Committee ; Registration Committee ; Finance Committee ; or many others .
WHAT IS THE TIME COMMITMENT ? Council meetings are held for up to eight days a year , and committee involvement ranges from an additional 15 to 50-plus days depending on the Council member ’ s availability .
4 Do you have a passion for medicine and ensuring the standards of the profession are upheld ?
4 Do you wish to shape the future of medical regulation ?
4 Are you committed to protecting and serving the public interest ?
4 Are you looking to get involved in your profession in a meaningful way ?
If you answered " yes " to the above questions then you should consider running in the upcoming election .
Specific eligibility criteria and additional information about the election process can be found on our website at www . cpso . on . ca . Interested candidates can also e-mail councilelections @ cpso . on . ca to request a candidate guidebook that contains information about the election timeline , the role of a Council member , and the election process . MD
“ Serving on the College Council is a tremendous and rewarding experience . It requires applying your hard-earned knowledge of the provision of health care , not to serve the profession but to serve the public . I highly recommend serving if you are committed to the public interest and want to make a contribution to medical regulation in Ontario ."
Dave Rouselle , Past President , District 5
Council Candidate Nomination Form and Conflict of Interest Form can be found on pages 85 – 87 .