Dialogue Volume 14 Issue 1 2018 | Page 59

DISCIPLINE SUMMARIES deficits; and • Dr. Kakar’s medical reports lack contemporane- ous information, are often repetitive in nature and sometimes contain information seen in the charts of other patients. The expert opined that Dr. Kakar showed suf- ficient knowledge, skills and judgment in the clini- cal practice of psychiatry to meet the standards of the profession. However, while he appeared to have sufficient knowledge and judgment regarding infor- mation which should be documented in charts, his documentation did not meet the standard of practice. The Dr. D. Complaint In August 2015, Dr. D, a psychologist, complained to the College regarding a psychiatric report Dr. Kakar prepared on behalf of Patient C, an insured woman who sustained injuries in a car accident. Dr. D examined Patient C in November 2013 and com- pleted a psychological report dated December 2013. Dr. Kakar saw the same patient later in December 2013, and produced a psychiatric report in January 2014. In May 2015, Dr. D was asked to do a follow-up report, and reviewed Patient C’s file in order to do so. In the file, he found the report of Dr. Kakar in rela- tion to Patient C, which contained extensive sections that were copied from Dr. D’s initial report, with virtually no changes. Dr. Kakar said that when he was asked to provide a report, he reviewed the medical brief, which included Dr. D’s report, in preparation for his independent psychiatric evaluation of the patient. He said he used Dr. D’s report as a guide to his in- terview and as a means of obtaining an accurate and detailed history from the patient. AGREED FACTS ON PENALTY In May 2006, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee issued a verbal caution regarding Dr. Kakar’s care of a patient and in particular, regarding the preparation of third party reports regarding the patient’s mental state and ability to care for his child. In June of 2009, following a public complaint and investigation regarding his standard of practice, Dr. Kakar entered into an undertaking with the College which required among other things, that he practise under the guidance of a clinical supervisor; complete courses in pharmacological monitoring, assessment of suicide, communication skills and record keeping; and attend psychiatric rounds every two months for one year. During 2012 and 2013, Dr. Kakar experienced a series of stressors which impacted his health. Ulti- mately, he signed an undertaking to cease practising medicine which was in effect between February 2014 and January 2015. Pursuant to an October 23, 2013 undertaking, which he executed after receiving the complaint of Patient A, Dr. Kakar has publicly restricted his prac- tice to that of psychiatry only. Pursuant to a February 10, 2016 undertaking, which he executed in lieu of a s. 37 Order, Dr. Kakar has been practising under supervision since this mat- ter was referred to discipline. ORDER The Discipline Committee ordered: a six-month suspension of Dr. Kakar’s certificate of registration; a reprimand; the imposition of terms, conditions and limitations on Dr. Kakar’s certificate of registration; and payment to the College of $5,000 in costs. The terms, conditions and limitations ordered for Dr. Kakar’s certificate of registration include: restrict- ing Dr. Kakar to the practice of psychiatry; limiting the number of patients that Dr. Kakar can see within a 24-hour period; clinical supervision for 12 months; a reassessment of Dr. Kakar’s practice; cooperation with unannounced College inspections; and comple- tion of a course in medical ethics and a course in third party report writing. For complete details of the Order, please see the full decision at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Find a Doctor and enter the doctor’s name. At the conclusion of the hearing, Dr. Kakar waived his right of appeal and the Committee administered the public reprimand. Full decisions are available online at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Find a Doctor and enter the doctor’s name. ISSUE 1, 2018 DIALOGUE 59