Dialogue Volume 14 Issue 1 2018 | Page 20

CPSO OPIOID INVESTIGATIONS POSTED TO PUBLIC REGISTER 36 NOT POSTED 2 Mandated Remediation Prescribing Restrictions No Action 8 1 6 Mandated Remediation and a Caution Prescribing Restrictions and a Caution 3 1 No Longer in Practice Referral to Discipline SUBTOTAL Investigations in progress TOTAL good patient care and our goal is to ensure that physi- cians have the resources and information they need to prescribe appropriately,” he said. Dr. Bodley stated that physicians should never abruptly cease their patients’ access to opioids, nor should they rapidly taper their patients’ doses. The outcomes of the completed investigations are included in the table above. What do the investigative outcomes mean? Investigations that arise from receipt of informa- tion from the NMS entail seeking more information from the prescribing physician and others in order to better understand and evaluate the prescribing. These investigations include a review of patient charts and interviews by an external assessor to understand whether the physician is practising to current standards, in the patient’s best interest. After a comprehensive investigation has been completed, 20 22 DIALOGUE ISSUE 1, 2018 Advice 2 Remedial Self-Study 81 3 84 the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC), which oversees and determines the outcome of investigations, decides the outcome from a variety of available options: No Action When the investigation confirms that the care provid- ed by the physician is appropriate, no further action will be taken. Examples of situations in which it is appropriate to take no further action are: • Patients are receiving appropriate care; • Dosages are being tapered, when clinically indicated to the patient’s circumstances. In some cases, physi- cians have changed their own prescribing practices in response to more recent evidence, or they are taper- ing dosage levels initiated by other physicians. If an investigation results in no action, the outcome will not be available on the public register.