Dialogue Volume 13 Issue 1 2017 | Page 5


Dear Colleagues :

photo : claudia hung
David Rouselle , College President
Council believes that this is the right move to ensure the integrity of the Discipline Committee

The story made all the newspapers : The College expresses disappointment about a decision of its disciplinary committee and then appeals the decision .

My colleagues expressed confusion . Why would the College appeal a decision of its own committee ?
Well , the fact that the Discipline Committee operates as an independent tribunal , separate from the College appears to be little understood . That so many people , including doctors , are surprised by this fact is unsettling . But it is also hardly surprising . After all , the Discipline Committee operates out of the College building and a number of members of College Council – both public and physician – sit on the Committee . Little wonder that the distinction is blurred in most people ’ s minds .
Recently , in the context of a discussion about Bill 87 , the Protecting Patients Act , Council decided to request statute change that would result in greater independence of the Discipline Committee . Council believes that this is the right move to
ensure the integrity of the Discipline Committee and is an important step in addressing the perception that the Discipline Committee lacks independence from the College .
Council supports the theme of accountability that runs through Bill 87 . We will , however , be making some recommendations for change in our submission to the government . Specifically , we wonder whether Bill 87 ’ s proposed new authority to allow the Minister to make regulations with respect to all aspects of the structure of the colleges ’ seven statutory committees is the best way to accomplish the government ’ s objectives . This includes making regulations that could change the composition , panel quorum , eligibility requirements and disqualification grounds for committees .
Council believes governance matters of significance should be included in the statute rather than regulation to ensure they are debated by the Legislature .
On the issue of committee composition , I would note that the integrity of College committee work
Issue 1 , 2017 Dialogue 5