Dialogue Volume 11 Issue 2 2015 | Page 55

discipline summaries The Committee took into account that Dr. Austin failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession in the four cases placed before it. By not completely assessing or considering the risks or the operative interventions, he put his patients in harm’s way. Patients expect that their physicians will not only perform an appropriate assessment, but also explain the risks and complications and the alternatives to the operating procedure being contemplated. In addition, it is expected that the physician fully document the assessment and the possible risks and complications. Dr. Austin failed to do this. As well, it is the duty of the physician to make a full disclosure of any complications following the operation procedure and document that disclosure. Dr. Austin’s actions have disgraced the profession and put his patients at risk of harm. This behaviour will not be condoned by the profession or the public at large who put their trust in the medical profession. ORDER The Discipline Committee ordered and directed that: 2.  he Registrar revoke Dr. Austin’s certificate of t registration, effective immediately. 3.  r. Austin appear before the panel to be repriD manded. 4.  r. Austin pay to the College costs in the D amount of $4,460 within 30 days of the date of this Order. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Committee delivered in writing a public reprimand, on the consent of counsel for the parties. Full decisions are available online at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Doctor Search and enter the doctor’s name. What does this mean? We provide definitions for the legal terminology used in the discipline process Admission The physician admits that the facts alleged amount to profe