Dialogue Volume 11 Issue 2 2015 | Page 50

practice partner Patient Safety We use this forum to regularly report on findings from patient safety organizations, expert review committees of the Office of the Chief Coroner, and inquests. High index of suspicion for fracture in frail elderly warranted Continued on pg. 52... 50 Dialogue Issue 2, 2015 photo: istockphoto.com/shapecharge H and respiratory difficulties. She was found to be in respiealth-care professionals are reminded to ratory failure and required intubation and ventilation. have a high index of suspicion of fracture She was subsequently extubated but was diagnosed with or significant injury in frail, immobile pneumonia. She died in hospital on March 30, 2011. seniors even in the absence of known Early in March, it was recognized that she had intrauma and definitive clinical signs of trauma, reminds a creased problems with swallowing and the diet texture Committee of the Chief Coroner’s Office. was changed. There were problems with The reminder is made by the Geriatric positioning of the neck. Hyperextenand Long-Term Care Review Commitsion was thought to be interfering with tee after reviewing the case of a 75-year“Long-term care swallowing. The committee suspects that old woman who died in a long-term care documentation tools she developed aspiration pneumonia as facility. The woman had been confined to a should allow staff a result of her dysphagia. It is difficult to wheelchair as a result of a hemiparesis to identify trends in definitively link her death from pneumonia to a minimally traumatic fracture that from two previous strokes and osteopain, behaviour or possibly occurred three months earlier. arthritis. She was legally blind due to The MOHLTC carried out an inspecdiabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. She medical care” tion as a result of this critical incident. required a mechanical lift for transfers. Orders and written notices were directed She had previous complaints of knee to the facility. A risk management review was carried pain. On or around December 19, 2010, she probably out and a corrective action plan was put in place. sustained a tibial plateau fracture that was not conIn the risk management review conducted by the firmed by X-ray until January 13, 2011. She was treated long-term care home, staff members were extensively conservatively with splinting and analgesia. interviewed. They did not appear to recognize a On March 10, 2011, she had fever and was treated for significant change in the patient’s behaviour or status a urinary tract infection. The patient was again transas she had a long-standing complaint of knee pain. ferred to hospital a week later because of a febrile illness