Dialogue Volume 11 Issue 1 2015 | Page 48

discipline summaries Costs in the amount of $26,760 are appropriate and reflect the fact that there was a lengthy hearing required by Dr. Abawi, and he was entirely unsuccessful at the hearing. ORDER The Discipline Committee ordered and directed that: 1.  r. Abawi appear before the panel to be reprimandD ed. 2.  he Registrar suspend Dr. Abawi’s certificate of regist tration for a period of four months. 3.  he Registrar impose the following terms, conditions t and limitations on Dr. Abawi’s certificate of registration:   r. Abawi shall successfully complete, at his own (i) D expense, individualized instruction in professionalism and medical ethics with a College-approved instructor within 12 months of this Order. The instruction is to be on a one-to-one basis, for a minimum of five two-hour sessions; (ii)  r. Abawi shall be subject to workplace monitorD ing by a regulated health professional, approved by the College, who executes an undertaking with the College. Monitoring shall continue for a minimum period of 18 months at each of Dr. Abawi’s practice locations and shall cease at that time unless the College in its sole discretion, determines that Dr. Abawi’s conduct in the workplace is unsatisfactory. If it is determined that his conduct in the workplace is unsatisfactory, the monitoring shall continue for a minimum period of an additional six months at which time a further determination will be made by the College, in its sole discretion, if further monitoring is necessary, and if so, Dr. Abwai shall be subject to further monitoring until his conduct is deemed satisfactory by the College; (iii)  e practice monitor shall work at the same locaTh tion as Dr. Abawi and shall be required to, among other things:  provide written reports to the College on (a) a monthly basis. Such reports are to include information regarding Dr. Abawi’s conduct, behaviour, and professionalism including information provided to the practice monitor by nurses, medical staff and/or any other staff 48 working directly or indirectly with Dr. Abawi; and  provide immediate reporting to the Col(b) lege if the practice monitor has any concerns about Dr. Abawi’s conduct, behaviour or professionalism or forms the view that patients or people in the workplace may be at risk of harm or forms the view that he is not in compliance with the panel’s Order; (iv)  r. Abawi shall provide an executed undertakD ing from a College approved practice monitor no later than 30 days before he resumes practice following his suspension. If the person is unable or unwilling to continue to fulfill its terms, or the College determines the practice monitor is no longer acceptable, Dr. Abawi shall, within 20 days of receiving notice of same, obtain an executed undertaking in the same form from a similarly qualified person who is acceptable to the College and ensure that it is delivered to the College within that time. If Dr. Abawi is unable to obtain a practice monitor on the terms set out in this Order, he shall cease practising medicine until such time as he has obtained a practice monitor acceptable to the College on the terms set out above; (v)  r. Abawi shall provide written notice to the D College at least 30 days before seeking privileges, employment or any other position, at any hospital,