Dialogue Volume 10 Issue 4 2014 | Page 49

consultation Balancing MD and patient rights Human rights draft policy open for consultation photo: istockphoto.com L The draft, titled Professional Obligations and ast summer, we held a preliminary consultaHuman Rights, aims to balance both physician and tion on our current policy which sets out patient rights in this context. While the Charter of physicians’ existing legal obligations under Rights and Freedoms entitles physicians to limit the Ontario’s Human Rights Code and the Colhealth services they provide on moral or religious lege’s expectation that physicians respect the fundamengrounds, the draft policy emphasizes that doing so tal rights of those who seek their services. The policy must not impede, either directly or indialso addresses the College’s expectations in rectly, patients’ access to care. circumstances where physicians limit the The draft policy requires that physicians, services they provide on moral or religious Participants who choose to limit the health services they grounds. It was this section of the policy held very provide on moral or religious grounds, do that fueled an unprecedented volume of so in a manner that respects patient dignity, consultation responses, with more than different and 6700 respondents weighing in. often polarized ensures access to care and protects patient safety. These steps reflect the core values of It quickly became apparent that the perspectives on professionalism which provide the foundaparticipants held very different and often tion for medical practice. polarized perspectives on these issues. Many these issues. We’d like to hear your thoughts on the consultation participants expressed their draft policy and whether you feel it strikes support for the idea that physicians should the right balance between physician and patient rights. not have to provide services that conflict with their To read the full draft and provide feedback during our moral and/or religious beliefs. Others took the opposite consultation, please visit our website at www.cpso.on.ca. view, arguing that patients should not be impacted by a We want to know what you think. Please see next page physician’s personally held beliefs. Both viewpoints were for more information. carefully considered in drafting the new policy. Issue 4, 2014 Dialogue 49