Dialogue Volume 10 Issue 2 2014 | Page 21

TRANSPARENCY INITIATIVE Given that context, below is a tentative list of the categories of information in Phase 2: 1.  riminal charges (if relevant to C practice) Sidebar 2 Information that health-care regulators do not recommend be made public: 1.  wards/academic appointments A 10. Mandatory reports (fact of ) 2.  icences held in other jurisdicL tions (if known) 2. Practice focus 11. Complaint (fact of ) 3. Refused licences 12. Complaint (status) 3.  iscipline findings in other D jurisdictions (if known) 4. Exam results 13. Resolutions 4.  iscipline Committee – D No findings 5.  ho has been selected for QA W 14. ICRC: No Action 6. QA results 15. ICRC: Other Action 7. Settlements (civil) 16.  erms, Conditions & LimitaT tions (historical) 5. Undertakings 8.  egistrar’s Investigation (fact of) R 6.  CRC: Oral Cautions I 7.  CRC: Specified Continuing I Education and Remediation Program (SCERPs) Council noted that making public some of these categories of information – in particular, undertakings, oral cautions and CPSO- 9.  egistrar’s Investigation R (status/other information) ordered education for significant concerns – would be a significant departure from the College’s current approach. As such, an extensive discussion will be held with the 17. ncapacity matters (pre-referral) I public and the profession before any decision is made about which categories of information, if any, will be made public. At this point, AGRE believes that Principle 5: Principle 6: Principle 7: Principle 8: Certain regulatory pro- Transparency discussions The greater the poten- Information available cesses intended to im- should balance the prin- tial risk to the public, the from Colleges about prove competence may ciples of public protection more important trans- members and processes lead to better outcomes and accountability, with parency becomes. should be similar. for the public if they fairness and privacy. happen confidentially. DIALOGUE • Issue 2, 2014 21