Developing Horizons Magazine (2).pdf Winter 2016 | Page 32

From the Garden By Lucinda Hale Words are like seeds. As children we are unable to protect ourselves from the seeds that are planted in the fresh soil of our spirits. Some have families that are intentional about the tender little beings that were placed in their care. They sow positive, encouraging and loving seeds into their hearts and minds. Others endure less than ideal situations, ones where self-doubts are fed by negative and hurtful speech. The majority of us land somewhere in the middle. All develop an internal dialogue which continually runs through our minds. In many ways it will direct our beliefs, behaviors and actions. If you were blessed by the first scenario, be thankful and pass it on. If you fall into the latter categories, don’t despair. Jesus overcame the world and this mindset is no exception. Pay close attention when you are quiet. What tape is running in the background of your mind? Identify the root cause, bring it into the light. Drag it kicking and screaming if necessary! Replace the lies readily accepted by the child’s mind with God’s truth. Never be berated with failures from the past. Ask God for forgiveness, accept it, and proclaim His goodness and faithfulness to you. Record a new tape, one that fits your new life. Mine, for example, say, “I have the mind of Christ. I am loved and cherished by the King.” Every day is an adventure to be experienced. He will never leave me or forsake me and He works all things together for my good. I don’t have to be perfect or in control because I trust totally in Him. He directs my path so I need not fear. I am free to love because He first loved me. The mind is a battlefield though most of us do not recognize we are waging war every day. I am a fan of Zig Ziglar. He has a saying “Don’t get cooked in the squat.” The short version of the point he is making is this: 32 Taking in good information without action is like a biscuit cooking at too high heat. It cooks before it rises to the height intended by the cook. In scripture we read Faith without works is dead. Here are some simple action steps to help make a lasting positive step into the New Year. I challenge you to try them. Write your own “new tape,” an adult one chosen out of God’s truth about you. Read it to yourself until you have it burned into your memory. Don’t dwell on lies; feed on God’s word. Take captive every thought and make them submit to Christ. Reject negative thoughts and listen to your own voice speak the truth about yourself. Repeat as necessary. Remember you reap what YOU sow. Sow seeds of life into your spirit and into the spirit of others. The benefits will astound you! About the author: Lucinda Hale is an avid gardener and co-owner of A to Z Cleaning Services in Ellijay, Georgia JOE HALE Classic Collectibles OLD WORLD SPORTING COLLECTIBLES [email protected] 706 692-2233