Designing the Classroom Curriculum Designing the Classroom Curriculum | Page 71

Lynch, Smith, Howarth LMQ3. How do my students’ best learn? Best Practice LMQ3 is about engaging with the best practice in a Key Learning Area / Subject and meshing this with the peculiarities of the student cohort. By answering LMQ3, you identify appropriate evidence-based information to support an understanding of how students’ best learn, and how you can best teach the specific KLA in ‘your’ class. Without LMQ3, teachers are caught in a cycle of attempting to do the same better whereas the learning management design message is that effective practice is doing better by knowing what is best. The question specifically engages the teacher to:    Review best practice as it relates to the key learning area that is to be taught. Factor the specific learning needs and peculiarities of the target student/learning cohort as context for dealing with students (and of course for each individual student). Consider the required Habits of Mind and Attitudes and Perceptions for the knowledge to be taught. To get a better understanding of these elements of LMQ3, we suggest you review: Marzano, R., & Pickering, D. (1997). Dimensions of Learning Teacher’s Manual. Mid-continent Regional Education Laboratory, Colorado, USA. 71