Designing the Classroom Curriculum Designing the Classroom Curriculum | Page 113

Lynch, Smith, Howarth Illustration 6.4: A Sample Analytic Rubric 43 Criteria 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-100% Knowledge of forms, conventions, terminology, and strategies of literary texts Demonstrates limited knowledge of forms, conventions, terminology, and strategies Demonstrates some knowledge of forms, conventions, terminology, and strategies Demonstrates considerable knowledge of forms, conventions, terminology, and strategies Demonstrates thorough and insightful knowledge of forms, conventions, terminology, and strategies Critical and creative thinking skills Uses critical and creative thinking skills with limited effectiveness Uses critical and creative Uses critical and creative thinking skills with moderate thinking skills with effectiveness considerable effectiveness Uses critical and creative thinking skills with a high degree of effectiveness Communication of Communicates information information and ideas and ideas with limited clarity Communicates information and ideas with some clarity Communicates information and ideas with considerable clarity Communicates information and ideas with a high degree of clarity and with confidence Spelling and grammar Several errors A few errors Some errors No errors Retrieved from The range and degree of student achievement is made explicit in a rubric by the use of criteria and standards. Sadler (1987) defines a criterion as a property or characteristic by which the quality of something may be judged. Specifying criteria nominates the qualities of interest and utility but does not have anything to offer, or make any assumptions about, actual quality. In classroom assessment contexts, the collective criteria describe the attributes of the learning outcome. By contrast, a standard is a definite level of achievement aspired to or attained. See “Sample Rubrics for Assessment” In developing an assessment rubric, three elements are set in a performance matrix. These elements are:   43 Criteria for assessment which links to a relevant learning outcome (LMQ2) (See Table 6.4 and Illustration 6.4 for examples) Definitions and examples to clarify the meaning of each criteria (see Illustration 6.5) Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo. Retrieved from 113