Designing Community Partnerships to Expand Student Learning: A Toolki | Page 10

Help for working effectively with volunteers continued Volunteers. Use these questions as a starting place for a conversation with potential volunteers. • Community Partner Training Agenda. This sample agenda can help you create a training session for volunteers. During this training, onboard volunteers to your customized version of the Volunteer Code of Conduct. • Volunteer Opportunity Sign-Up Sheet. This simple tool will help you to establish schedules for volunteers throughout the school day. STEP SIX: ONBOARD YOUR COMMUNITY PARTNERS AND VOLUNTEERS The Community Partner and Volunteer Handbook provides community partners and volunteers with access to useful information and knowledge about your school, such as calendars and schedules, staff, culture, and an overview of courses. Consider using Google Docs to create the handbook so you can revise and update it as necessary. Organize a Training Session Getting all the community partners and volunteers into one room for a training, celebration, and kickoff session is a great way to launch the work together, talk about hopes and goals, build camaraderie, and ensure everyone is on the same page. The Training Community Partners webinar and Community Partner Training Agenda are useful tools to help plan this session. Sharing Space Navigating space (classrooms and materials) is a common hurdle among schools that have launched community partner and volunteer programs. Teachers, community partners, and volunteers should have explicit conversations about who is responsible for classrooms and materials and who can use them. At Jeffco Public Schools’ Pennington Elementary School in Wheat Ridge, Colo., the staff, community partners, and volunteers agreed that adults in the building were there to facilitate the learning experience, but the space was there for the students and education. (The adults just “rented” it to create learning experiences.) Pennington’s Shared Learning Space Agreement is a useful resource to address this issue. STEP SEVEN: CONTINUALLY COMMUNICATE WITH ALL STAKEHOLDERS To coach and manage relationships with community partners and volunteers, the community partner coordinator should meet regularly with partner staff to address issues or questions. These questions can be used to guide the conversations. While these conversations will begin between partners and the coordinator, a successful partnership will also involve students, 10 teachers, and families in understanding and assessing the value of partnership programming. The Communication and Collaboration Growth Chart can help coordinators assess how well they are intentionally including all stakeholders in the conversation. And the sample evaluation survey and post-session meeting with community partner questions can help you gather feedback.