Dental Sleep Medicine Insider May 2018 | Page 20


S o you are ready to treat sleep but you need patients . Where can you find them ? About 1 in 5 American adults qualify as having mild to moderate OSA , so the truth is they are all around , you just need to know where to look . Here are 6 places to start looking :

1 . Your own team The first place to look is your own team . Screen each member of your team and their spouses , test and treat them . These first cases will make a big difference moving forward . Personal testimonials about better sleep or curing snoring will do wonders for your conversion rate too .
2 . Your own patients Remember 1 in 5 qualify , so you need to institute a comprehensive screening program , work screening into your daily process , and train your team to talk about sleep . Many of these patients need help , they just don ’ t know you can offer it . Screening every patient will uncover those at risk who are already in your practice .
3 . CPAP intolerant / noncompliant patients Studies indicate only 17 % of CPAP wear their masks more than 4 hours a night . Not wearing the mask means not treating the disease .
These are people you can help , with a therapy that has about 80 % compliance rate . These patients know they need help and are looking for another way to treat their condition , but they and their doctors will need education about oral appliance therapy .
4 . Physicians Referrals from physicians are key to any dental sleep medicine practice . Building a good referral network often requires educating about oral appliance therapy , building relationships with open communications and by referring severe OSA cases back . These relationships can result in lasting and rewarding collaborations .
5 . First responders Firefighters , EMTs and Police are populations with specific needs for alertness and performance that undiagnosed and untreated OSA can affect .


Approach these organizations and create a screening and testing program to identify and treat those at risk .
Building these relationships requires navigating the organizational health model and insurance system but can result in a steady stream of patients .
6 . Industry Many companies and organizations know that undiagnosed and untreated OSA is a problem they need to address , for safety , liability and insurance reasons . Reaching out to organizations in your area and create a screening and treatment plan that addresses their concerns and needs can result in a steady stream of patients .
Brett Brocki is the founder and CEO of N3Sleep and Dream Sleep .