Dental Sleep Medicine Insider March 2017 | Page 3

The Dental Sleep Medicine Insider Jason @ dentalsleepsolutions . com 314-882-7746
Jason Tierney Editor-in-chief


The Dental Sleep Medicine Insider Jason @ dentalsleepsolutions . com 314-882-7746

“ I ’ d like to get into dental sleep but there ’ s already a guy in my town that everyone goes to .”
“ There ’ s another dentist in my town doing this . Do you think there are even enough patients ?”
If I had a dollar for each time I ’ ve heard some version of these comments , I could buy something that costs around 200 bucks . When discussing Dental Sleep Medicine with someone interested in or new to the field , they possess a strong desire to be a part of it for the right reasons . They want to help people , to feel good about what they ’ re doing , and lastly , they want to make money . Then , as they begin to explore the opportunity , they realize there ’ s a resident guru in town which causes some trepidation . To that , I say , “ SO WHAT ?!?”
It is estimated that 20 % of adults in the U . S . suffers from OSA . For the math addled readers , that ’ s 1 in 5 . Los Angeles county has an adult population of ~ 8 million . Statistically , that equates to about 1.6 million apneics . St . Louis , MO has a smaller population of around 240k . 20 % prevalence = 48,000 apneics . People need your help .
I know what you ’ re thinking , ” but Jason , I live in a small town and there ’ s already someone here and everyone goes to her .” Where do you live ? You live in
Lacrosse , WI with an adult population of approximately 100,000 ? That ’ s 20,000 potential patients . She sees them all ? Really ? She could have 6 arms , be quadruple booked 7 days per week with 2 associates and not even scratch the surface .
My colleague , Dr . Gy Yatros has essentially created his own competition by training more than 30 dentists in a 50 mile radius . He is certainly regarded as one of the so-called gurus in his area . He ’ s also acutely aware that OSA is an epidemic and that the more trained clinicians available to treat the disease , the better off we ’ ll be as a society . Remember this when considering if you should get involved . And if you ’ re a guru reading this , drop the protectionist posturing . Help your colleagues . Share your knowledge and experience . It will benefit the profession and improve your community . People need your help .
Also , what about your 1,000 active adult patients ? They aren ’ t going to see someone else ; to see the guru . They are coming to you . They trust you . That ’ s 200 people that you ’ re not helping , but you can change that . Get a dental sleep education . Implement a system for screening , testing , treating , and billing . Be the change . Don ’ t wait for someone else to do it . Be the change in your community . In your patients ’ lives . In your own life . Make it happen .