Delta Diamond v14.2 Delta Diamond | Page 6

“ “ “NO REGRETS” FOR A beautiful afternoon By: Soror Natalie Stockton On November 19 2017, the Arts and Letters Committee hosted the annual literary event at the home of Soror Brenda Jackson. The novel in the spotlight was “No Regrets,” by Soror Patricia Haley Glass. The recommendation came from Soror Earline Barnes who knows the author personally. Soror Natalie Stockton facilitated the event with a series of questions around the storyline of how marriage can be affected by illness, infidelity, and outside influence from friends and family. The group engaged in a lively discussion and everyone was excited to talk to the author when she skyped in via computer. The evening ended with a great discussion with the author who shared her insight on what motivated her to write the book. Soror Patricia was engaging, passionate and has a great sense of humor. The Arts and Letters Committee welcomes all book recommendations for the new year of literary events. 6