Deerpath Golf Course Renovation Project Phase 2 Booklet | Page 19

DEERPATH GOLF COURSE R E N O V AT I O N P R O J E C T P H A S E T W O The Future is Now! HOW YOU CAN HELP GOLF CART NAMING OPPORTUNITY Always remember the course you call home. Donate $5,000 toward the purchase of a new cart and your name will be put on a plaque in the new golf cart barn (coming Spring 2019!). You will also receive a commemorative mini golf cart (left) for your generous donation. GIVE THE GIFT OF GOLF A contribution to the Deerpath Golf Course Renovation Project in your favorite golfer’s honor makes a great gift! Once we receive your donation, we will provide a contribution card (right) with your golfer’s name and the donation amount. Gifts are tax deductible. REVITALIZE • IMPROVE • PRESERVE 17