DCN September 2017 | Page 44

data centre traffic

Traffic Jam

Faisal Dada , wire solution architect at Xilinx , discusses how to manage data centre traffic using solutions that are both scalable and secure .

Traffic growth in the world today is very multi-faceted , it comes from user traffic , business traffic and ‘ machine to machine ’ traffic in a data centre . The ‘ machine to machine ’ traffic is according to Facebook ( https :// code . facebook . com / posts / 360346274145943 / introducing-data-center-fabricthe-next-generation-facebookdata-center-network /) many orders of magnitude larger than user traffic , growing exponentially and doubling every year .

The network requirements are changing due to high demands of traffic bandwidth created by an increase in content generated , consumed by and / or pushed to users ; data generated by machine to machine communication , Cloudification of IT services with multiple back office applications dealing with data synchronisation , backup and recovery , and indexing and analytics .
This change in networking , allowing data centres to communicate directly amongst themselves or to other cloud entities and users via colocation services and internet exchanges , using very large pipes , is referred to as Data Centre Interconnect or DCI .
DCI is creating an overlay network , at times owned and operated by large Internet Content Providers ( ICP ), where large amounts of traffic is passed between data centres . As the numbers of data centre buildouts increases and more data centres are deployed to provide services to users within a given metro region , the need for these data centres to interact amongst each other will continue to grow , and hence the bandwidth and connection between the data centres with DCI will keep growing .
44 | September 2017