DCN June 2016 | Page 17

Smart Smart SmartChoices Choices Choicesfor for for Digital Digital DigitalInfrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Digital Digital Digitaltransformation transformation transformationrequires requires requiresagile, agile, agile,carefully carefully carefullyplanned planned planned ITITITinfrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure,efficient efficient efficientdata data dataaccess access accessand and andexchange. exchange. exchange. Each Each Each of ofof these these these factors factors factors isisis vital vital vital tototo success. success. success. The The Thechallenge challenge challengeisisismaking making makingsmart, smart, smart,correct correct correctchoices choices choicesinininline line line with with withperformance performance performancerequirements, requirements, requirements,without without withoutoveroverover-or ororunder under under specifying. specifying. specifying. Nexans Nexans Nexanssupports supports supportsyou you youinininmaking making makingsmart smart smartchoices choices choicesthat that thatwill will will help help helpyou you youbuild build buildand and andoperate operate operatethe the themost most mostefficient efficient efficientand and andcostcostcosteffective effective effectivedigital digital digitalinfrastructure infrastructure infrastructuretototosupport support supportyour your yourbusiness business business goals. goals. goals. ••Flexible, •Flexible, Flexible, cost-effective cost-effective cost-effective bandwidth bandwidth bandwidth achitectures achitectures achitectures ••Optimised •Optimised Optimised space space space usage usage usage ••Performance •Performance Performance protection protection protection and and and enhancement enhancement enhancement ••Faster •Faster Faster modular modular modular deployment deployment deployment ••Design •Design Design through through through tototo operational operational operational support support support services services services www.nexans.co.uk/datacentres www.nexans.co.uk/datacentres www.nexans.co.uk/datacentres