DAUGHTERS OF ZION MAGAZINE 17 Being Your Own Boss Beloved, God is true to all His promises, in fact they are ‘Yeah and Amen’. As PG 18 Can you juggle? repre Well you need to learn quickly and I don’t mean with balls or oranges. Making money is like juggling, you need to 22 PG 20 Why Get Into Forex Trading? Planning Your Wedding There is the stock market and there is the foreign exchange market. The latter is considered the Planning your own wedding can be a very rewarding and a stressful experience all at the same time. Although you can always and 24 Queen itchingCountry different If you are to do something 29 Have you recently decided that you would like Tips for Planning a Day Spa Party to host a day spa party? this summer vacation, why not consider OF LAUGHTER 26 THE BENEFITSwritten by Norman Anatomy of Illness 31 Benefits Of Breast Feeding 32 How TO EAT FOR A Healthy Pregnancy Cousins, is a book based on the true story of 27 Creating a budget for yourself can dramatically improve your severe debt issues Once you’ve given birth, breast feeding is the single most important thing you can You found out you are pregnant. Never has it