Dassel-Cokato Community Guide 2018 | Page 18

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[ their ] lives .”
Graduate David Kivisto welcomed the crowd and student body , while thanking teachers for helping the students on their way to graduation .
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Serving the communities of Dassel , Cokato and Darwin , Minnesota
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When looking through a camera lens , what does one see ?
For Jeff Peller of Dassel , the answer is currently on display at the Dassel History Cen- influenced by Native American influence ,” he
“ I find a spiritual connection with nature ,
ter & Ergot Museum , where more than 10 his added . photographs can be viewed for free through Peller ’ s work is available for purchase at art the end of June . shows and on his website , 1stplacephotography . com .
Peller started practicing photography about 35 years ago , when he became inspired by the Next month , art collector Kurt Meyer from images found in National Geographic magazines . Vessels ; Bouquets and Botanicals .”
Edina will feature an exhibit called “ Vases &
After obtaining “ a nice camera ,” Peller set The exhibit will run through the end of August , followed by a display of Tiffany Lamp out to capture the world on film , especially the scenery of national parks . replicas in September and October .
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James Swearingen .
�������������� ����� ������� ��������� ���������� ����� Do you know someone who has contributed ��������������������������������������������������������� to the success of the Cokato Corn Carnival the ���������������������������������������� past few decades ? The Cokato Corn Carnival committee is seeking names of people who have served for the future .
As she prepared for her since her brother had attended DC as an exchange student booth , or bingo stand , and have not previously event so wonderful , and we want to show how
45 years or more in the corn stand , information “ Corn carnival volunteers are what make our adventure , some of her classmates and friends asked if a country she didn ’ t know , move in with a family she a few years prior . received a service award from the committee . much we appreciate them . We don ’ t want anyone she was headed for some big didn ’ t know , and attend a
“ This special recognition is taking place because we feel we may have missed some people would like people to send in the names of others
to be shy about giving us their name . Also , we city in New York or Florida school she knew nothing or California . When she informed them that she was about . who we need to recognize and thank ,” noted they feel would qualify ,” Erickson noted .
“ Some of my friends
Dorene Erickson , Cokato Corn Carnival chair . Nominations will be accepted up until coronation . Names can be submitted to cokatocorncar- attending a school located in thought it was the dumbest idea ever ,” remembered portant people , and we ’ re hoping this is a good nival . com , Cokato City Hall at ( 320 ) 286-5505
“ We have no past records to check on these im-
“ the middle of a giant cornfield in the middle of Minnesota ,” her classmates still
Mueller . her and her fellow travelers way to find them and thank them .” or to any Corn Carnival committee member .
What she found , however , grow into their own persons . didn ’ t know what to think . was that it was one of the best
Mueller , however , had ideas she had ever pursued . some idea of what to expect ,
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St . SW , Cokat ato . This is also where township members ers vote .
Township items of business may be mailed to the towns wnship hall address abo bove . The phone number is ( 320 ) 286-2051
Website : www . cokatotownship . com Township clerk is Brad
Morris ( 320 ) 286-5406 , treasurer Nancy Dahlman ( 320 ) 286-5188 , and supervisors Dan Bravinder ( 320 ) 286-2284 , Jim Danielson ( 320 ) 286-2619 , and Dean Mahlstedt ( 320 ) 894-8550 . Recycling stations Recycling is available at the township hall the second
Saturday of the month , 8 a . m . to noon . Burning permits Contact Lantto ’ s Store at ( 320 ) 286-2579 . Building permits Building permits may be obtained by calling Wright County Planning and Zoning ( 800 ) 362-3667 67 or ( 763 ) 682- 7338 . Garbage pickup The township doesn ’ t provide garbage service . Residents must arrange with a local sanitation company for pickup .
Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association , 6800 Electric Drive , Rockford , MN 55373 , ( 763 ) 477-3000 , ( 800 ) 943-2667 , or e-mail info @ whe . org . Telephone CenturyLink , ( 800 ) 788-3500 , 24-hour repair service ( 800 )
788-3600 , TDD / TTY ( 800 ) 627-3529 .
Lakedale Link , 9938 State Highway 55 NW , Annandale , 800-546-4963 , after-hours repair service ( 888 ) 344- 3730 ( regular business hours , call ( 800 ) 546-4963 ), www . lakedalelink . net .

Mirror of the Community

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Friday , June 8 , 2018 | Volume 133 | Number 51 | $ 1.50 www . DasselCokato . com
Dassel-Cokato ’ s class of 2018 bid farewell to the district at its graduation ceremony June 3 .
Graduate Kyle Little opened the ceremony with an invocation prayer , asking that God would help the graduates hear His voice as they “ seek [ God ’ s ] direction for
“ Dassel-Cokato will always be a part of us , and what a blessing that is ,” Kivisto commented .
Following Kivisto ’ s address , the DC concert and symphonic band performed the senior music selection “ Eiger : A Journey to the Summit ,” composed by
The foreign exchange student body was represented by German student Clara Mueller , who , about a year ago , got the idea to move to
Mueller ’ s – and the other exchange students ’ – own experiences in making friends , doing extracurricular activities , and learning from American teachers helped
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That ’ s a lot of safe rides !
“ I love the outdoors ,” he said . “ It ’ s a peaceful hobby , and [ I ] follow the golden rule of leave nothing but footprints and take nothing but pictures .”
Names of longtime Corn Carnival volunteers sought
Volunteers will be recognized during this year ’ s Cokato Corn Carnival coronation ceremony . They will receive a thank-you card and a pin with the words , “ Corn Carnival Super Fan .” The award will not be given every year , but the committee may recognize volunteers again in
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INSIDE THE ED : ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
320.286.2118 news @ dasselcokato . com DasselCokato . com
Enterprise Dispatch News & Information
Proud to Serve the Dassel-Cokato Area
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• Weekly email newsletter specific to Dassel-Cokato Free , sign up at DasselCokato . com
• Breaking news in ED Blogs and website : DasselCokato . com
Enterprise Dispatch
The township has no gas lines . Residents should contact a local gas company for a liquid propane gas tank and service .
French Lake Township
French Lake Township meets at 7 p . m . the fi rst Tuesday of every month at French Lake Township Hall , located at 3133 County Rd . 3 NW , Annandale . This is also where township members vote . Township items of business may also be mailed to the clerk at that address . There is no township phone number .
Township clerk is Breanna Chapman ( 320 ) 583-0157 , treasurer is Lucille Ekholm ( 320 ) 274-8392 , and supervisors Casey Weber ( 320 ) 224-9409 , Supervisor Patrick Lantto ( newly elected for three-year term ) ( 320 ) 420-4279 , and Paul Erickson ( 320 ) 236-7475 . Recycling stations At any time , residents can take recyclables to the dumpster located at the township hall . The dumpster is for recyclables only – no trash allowed . Burning permits Contact Lantto ’ s Store at ( 320 ) 286-2579 . Building permits Building permits may be obtained by calling Wright County Planning and Zoning at ( 800 ) 362-3667 or ( 763 ) 682- 7338 . Garbage pickup The township doesn ’ t provide garbage service . Residents must arrange with a local sanitation company for pickup .
Electricity Wright Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association , 6800

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Offi cial Guide to Dassel-Cokato 2018-19