Dashboards and Saddlebags the Destination Magazine™ Issue 019 October 2012 | Page 30

Continued From Page 12 We aRe a oNe stoP RestoRatIoN shoP A ghost captured in one of the rooms upstairs. special effects and props. They are amazed at the realism and the intensity of the attraction. The high tech haunt incorporates the same equipment used by theme parks like Disney, and Universal Studios. Because the attraction is indoors, it allows the environment to be controlled; from lighting, to smells, and sounds everything is very realistic. Maybe even some ghost. Disc Brake Conversions Full Off Frame Restorations Vintage Air Installations Complete Rewiring Interiors, Body and Paint Founded in 2005, we are a family-owned, high-end classic car restoration shop. 6645 Denver Industrial Park Rd. Denver, NC. 28037 704-483-4826 • klassicrides.com If you believe in ghost, the attraction is the prime location for Time Stoppers Paranormal. A group of ghost hunters, that have declared the facility HAUNTED! Two years ago, the owners invited the paranormal investigative team into the attraction. Since then, the group has captured voice phenomenons, apparitions, and moving furniture. Therefore, everything you see and hear while visiting the attraction may not be of this world. With all this going for Nightmare On Scales Street, the haunted attraction is definitely worth the trip. The attraction opens on, 5 October and runs through the weekend before Halloween. More information can be found on w