Cyclones Information Booklet 2015 2015 | Page 30

LOCAL WELFARE CENTRES In the event that evacuation becomes necessary during a cyclonic event, the police or DFES / SES will advise you on the actions you are required to take. If you are required to evacuate, please consider seeking refuge at a friend or co- workers’ property located on higher ground. Evacuees being relocated to a Welfare centre are reminded for personal comfort to take clothing, bedding, food and personal items. The Town of Port Hedland has identified the following buildings as suitable to be used as welfare centres for people who do not have permanent or adequate accommodation in Hedland, to seek shelter in a cyclonic event. Port Hedland: Andrew McLaughlin Day Centre Keesing Street, Port Hedland. South Hedland: JD Hardie Centre Cottier Drive, South Hedland. Welfare centres will be opened on the advice from DFES/SES and manned by the Department for Child Protection and Family Support. For further information regarding welfare centres, please contact the Department for Child Protection and Family Support on 9160 2400. 30