Cyclones Information Booklet 2015 2015 | Page 15

BE AWARE Keep up to date with the progress of a cyclone through information provided by the Bureau of Meteorology at During a cyclonic event it may be necessary to evacuate some low lying areas before the cyclone arrives. If advised to evacuate: • Follow the directions from emergency services; lock your house; switch off electricity, gas and water; take a torch, sleeping bag, important documents and any necessary medications with you. If staying in your home: • Move to the strongest part of the house. If the house starts to break up, protect yourself with mattresses or get under a strong table or bed. Do not stand near, or open any windows or doors during a cyclone. Both big and small trees were broken or uprooted during Tropical Cyclone Heidi, January 2012. Location: Civic and Administration Centre, Port Hedland. 15