CYA Messenger September 2013 | Page 133

Appendix L SAILING INSTRUCTIONS GUIDE Use if appropriate, but only if the national authority for the venue of the event has not adopted a prescription to rule 88. List by name any other documents that govern the event; for example, The Equipment Rules of Sailing, to the extent that they apply. See rule 86. Either insert here the rule number(s) and state the changes, or, if not using this instruction, do the same in each instruction that changes a rule. Insert the rule number(s) and class name. Make a separate statement for the rules of each class. 1.2 No national prescriptions will apply. 1.3* _____ will app K???K????X?[???[J?H??????[?H?[??Y\?????????????K?B??[?\??[H ??[J?H??????H??????\???[\???[??\WH?\? \?JH?[??Y\???????????K?Y?\?H\?H???X??]?Y[?[??XY?\?H[??\?^?[Z?H?X?Y[??K???P?T????TUU????X?\????\]]???[?H??Y?H??X?X[??X?H??\? ?H??]Y]?????S??T???RSS??S???P?S??[?H?[??H?H?Z[[??[???X?[???[?H??Y?Y??H L ?H^H]?[Z?HY??X? ^?\][?H?[??H?H??Y[H??X?\??[?H??Y?H ? ?H^H?Y??H]?[Z?HY??X? ??Q?S?PQHT??H?Y?[?XYH\??H?[?H\?^YY]??????L?B??K?? ??[??\?H??][??K????[??HH[Y\?Y?Y??\?[? ???[??\?H??][???? ?B??