CW Magazine-Winter Edition | Page 24

Feedback Effective Teaching & Learning Practice | Students Learning to Learn Feedback What is Feedback? Feedback is information provided by an agent (e.g., teacher, peer, book, parent, self/experience) regarding aspects of one’s performance or understanding. Effective Feedback is: Timely John Hattie 2012 Feedback is evidence about: Where am I going? How am I going? Focused on product/ behavior – not on the student The Power of Feedback Where to next? Hattie, The Power of Feedback The simplest prescription for improving education must be. . . Providing information about what a student does and does not understand, and what direction the student must take to improve. Purpose The main purpose of feedback is to reduce discrepancies between current understanding or performance and some desired level of performance or goal. Hattie & Timperley 2007  Task feedback points to ideas that work and ideas that don’t work.  Process feedback gives cues for searching and strategizing.  Self-regulation feedback reinforces engagement and persistence. Hattie, 2007 Effect Size Feedback (.73 effect size) Results When feedback and corrective procedures are used, most students can attain the same level of achievement as the top 20% of Bellon, Bellon & Blank students. The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (#H323A120018). However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.