Customer Annual Review 2017 Customer Annual Review | Page 16

Have confi den in your experien Throughout this review we’ve talked about the value of your feedback and how important it is for you to tell us how you feel about the way we do things. Our Customer and Communities Network (CCN) is a team of customers who work with us to achieve more - more for you and the communities in which you live. They work with senior colleagues and Board members to challenge and test the business, ensuring we’re delivering what we say we will as well as offering value for money. We caught up with the extremely busy Denise Amory-Reid to fi nd out what being a member of CCN is all about. How long have you been a member of CCN and how did you get involved? II’ve been part of CCN for about a year now and it was my housing manager who suggested that it would be good for me to get involved. It’s an interesti ng story really; I suppose you could say I didn’t have the best relati onship with her at the ti me. It was nothing major but I just felt the way I was being treated wasn’t fair. There were a couple of ti mes when she spoke to me in a way that I didn’t really like and, being a bit of a thinker, I refl ected on our conversati ons and decided to challenge her. I didn’t think that making a complaint was the right thing to do. As my background is working with people I put myself in her shoes and wondered why she might speak to me in the way she did – maybe she was having a bad day or was feeling overwhelmed by something and got a bit stressed. Don’t get me wrong, she didn’t do anything terrible, she just acted in a way that I didn’t parti cularly agree with. When I spoke to her about it she was really apologeti c and said that she didn’t realise how her tone and manner had come across. She really thanked me for being so honest and said that CCN needed people like me to share their thoughts and ideas and to represent Bromford’s customers. So I looked 16 CUSTOMER ANNUAL REVIEW 2017 into it and liked the idea of being involved and making sure the customers’ voice was heard so I decided to give it a go. What was the recruitment process like? It wasn’t easy. But that really reassured me that Bromford take CCN seriously. They want to make sure that the right people become members, people with the ability to represent all customers and the confi dence to be involved with decision making. The process included analysing informati on and explaining how I would respond to complaints and there was also some group work to show how I could work as part of a team. I was really impressed throughout the process, it was all very professional, well structured, dignifi ed and well organised. It made feel like an important part of the organisati on, like I was truly valued. I would say the whole experience of being recruited to CCN was challenging but enjoyable. How oft en do you meet up? There are four meeti ngs a year and I also sit on the Independent Complaints Panel. Although I’m busy with work and studying (I’m a family worker and studying towards a Doctorate in Educati on), I manage to fi t in the meeti ngs by taking annual leave or by using my fl exi- ti me. I think it’s important to take the opportuniti es presented to you and it’s great being able to represent Bromford’s customers so I make sure I fi nd the ti me.