Current Pedorthics | November-December 2018 | Vol.50, Issue 6 | Page 31

Inverted posture ‘A Rearfoot good fit?’ (calcaneus angle ≤−5°); normal calcaneus (−5° < and≤5°); and inverted calcaneus (calcaneus angle >5°). Throughout the manuscript, “inversion/eversion” indicates posture on a single frontal plane, which is a part of triplane motion “supination/ pronation”. 143 patients were initially recruited Excluded (n=75) üLoss of follow up for non-specific reasons Covariates Data on age, sex, and height were self- reported by patients. Patients wearing clothes without shoes were weighed on a scale. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated by dividing the weight by height squared. Radiographic medial TFOA severity and anatomical axis angle (AAA) with sex-specific correction [31] were assessed in the anteroposterior short view in the weight-bearing position. The intra-rater reliability was excellent for evaluating the TFOA K/L grade (Kappa: 0.80) and measuring the AAA (intra-class correlation coefficient [ICC]: 0.98). Varus thrust was evaluated according to previously described methods [32, 33]. Two physical therapists judged the presence of lateral movement of the tibial tuberosity relative to hip and ankle. This resulted in an increase in varus alignment during initial contact with the mid-stance of the stance phase with self- selected speed. We have previously reported good interrater reliability (Kappa: 0.73) for evaluating varus thrust assessment [32, 33]. A trained physical therapist passively measured the flexion and extension range of motion (ROM) of the affected knee joint through standard goniometric procedures according to previously validated methods [34]. Statistical analyses To minimize any bias produced by similarities between the knees of the same patient, only (n=41) üMissing data (n=34) Knee with K/L grade ≥ 2 in the medial compartment: n=68 Coexisting any Isolated TFOA* PFOA* (n=38 knees) (n=30 knees) Figure 2: Flowchart showing the inclusion of participants in the study. *Presence of PFOA was defined as knee with K/L grade 2 in skyline view or osteophytes 1 in lateral view [21] based on baseline radiography. If clinical symptoms worsened within the 12-month follow-up, participants underwent repeat radiography that is used for evaluation of the PFOA presence. one knee per patient was analyzed, which was designated as the “index knee.” The index knee was defined as the more painful knee in the present or past. Descriptive statistics were calculated as mean and standard deviation (SD) for continuous variables and as proportion for dichotomous/categorical variables. We performed univariate analysis using Student’s t-test for parametric continuous variables and Fisher’s exact test for dichotomous/categorical Current Pedorthics | November/December 2018 29