Current Pedorthics | May-June 2018 | Vol.50, Issue 3 | Page 36

Preventing Soccer Injuries with Effective Insoles and Smart Shoe Selection With the stress these movements put on legs and feet, it is no wonder that injuries are common among soccer players. Soccer-related injuries can be divided into two types: acute and repetitive. For acute injuries, cleat selection is important for injury prevention. In relation to repetitive injuries, using arch-supporting soccer insoles is key for being your best on the field – all day, every day. Repetitive Soccer Injuries Repetitive injuries make up almost 50% of all sports-related injuries. If not corrected, improper biomechanics, including overpronation, can lead to the following injuries in soccer players: Calcaneal Apophysitis (Sever's disease) Soccer insoles that correct faulty biomechanics can help prevent and treat overuse injuries. According to the American Association of Podiatric Sports Medicine (AAPSM), most soccer cleats do not include enough structure to provide this support on their own. "Despite best attempts, supportive adjuncts found in many boots [cleats] may not always provide the needed control for the foot and might need to be replaced by a[n]...insert." The experts agree. Including after-market soccer insoles or custom orthotics are the key for an injury-free and more efficient game. Soccer Cleats and Acute Injuries Metatarsalgia Plantar fasciitis 34 Pedorthic Footcare Association | Swedish researchers publishing in the journal Sports Medicine define