Current Pedorthics | March-April 2019 | Vol.51, Issue 2 | Page 33

Differences and mechanisms heel height and knee flexion angle during a forward hopping task in collegiate females [22] . They reported that increasing heel raises from 0 mm to 24 mm, significantly increased the peak knee flexion angle. Moreover, a study by Chambon et al. (2015) found that wearing shoes with increasing pitch (0, 4 and 8 mm), reduced ankle dorsiflexion and increased knee flexion angle excursions compared to barefoot while running over ground [23] , thereby indicating that footwear pitch may be a factor driving changes in peak KFM and/or the knee-GRF lever arm. relevant in explaining the increase in peak KFM with footwear, these kinematic alterations are still of relevance in the context of PFP given that recent systematic reviews report kinematic differences at the knee and ankle between individuals with and without PFP whilst wearing similar footwear styles [6, 34, 35] . Knowing that stability and neutral footwear generally increase knee and ankle kinematics associated with the development of PFP [6, 34, 35] , shoes with a lower pitch (i.e., < 5 mm) may be beneficial in an adolescent cohort. Contrary to these findings, a recent randomized controlled trial by Malisoux et al. (2017) reported the effect of 0, 6 and 10 mm pitch shoes on lower limb kinematics over a period of 6 months [31] . Surprisingly, there was no between-shoe differences for mid-stance knee flexion angle; however, the flexion angle decreased in all shoe conditions over the six-month period. It is important to note that participants in Malisoux et al. (2017) ran on an instrumented treadmill, which can produce opposite kinematic effects to over-ground running and, as such, may explain their contradictory findings [31] . In support, the aforementioned study by Chambon et al. (2015) also found that running surface (i.e., over- ground versus a treadmill) had the opposite effect regarding the pitch of shoes and knee kinematics [23] . Nonetheless, in the present study footwear pitch likely caused an increase in peak KFM via the knee-GRF lever arm, as our testing was performed over-ground. Although the mechanism by which footwear changed the knee-GRF lever arm was not explored, running-related spatiotemporal variables may be important to include in future studies. Specifically, examining the association between changes in stride length and knee-GRF lever arm distance between footwear conditions is suggested based on recent evidence demonstrating footwear-related effects on stride length and peak KFM [32, 36] . For example, Sinclair and colleagues (2016) revealed that stability shoes not only increased peak KFM, but also increased stride length in comparison to barefoot-inspired shoes [31] . While this suggests that stride length could indeed be related to the knee-GRF lever arm, which primarily dictates peak KFM, further investigation is required. Greater hip, knee and ankle flexion angles at time of peak KFM in shoes compared to barefoot were also found. Numerous other studies support these findings in both stability and/or neutral footwear [8, 20, 32, 33] . Although not This study has a number of limitations. It included a healthy adolescent/young adult female cohort free of PFP; thus, no link can be made between footwear-related peak KFM and the risk of developing the condition. Further, prospective research is required to determine causality. In addition, only external moments and kinematic predictors of a change in peak KFM were included and there are likely other Current Pedorthics | March/April 2019 31