Current Pedorthics | March-April 2019 | Vol.51, Issue 2 | Page 25

Differences and mechanisms rigid body segments; trunk, pelvis, two thighs, two legs and two feet. Joint moments were calculated from the GRF and kinematic data for the hip, knee and ankle across the whole stance phase using inverse dynamics and expressed in the distal anatomical reference frame normalized to bodyweight (Nm/kg; [28] ). All biomechanical variables tested in this study are outlined in Table 1. Positive kinematic and kinetic values indicate flexion whilst negative indicates extension. The sagittal plane knee- GRF lever arm and the resultant sagittal plane GRF magnitude were both derived from a custom-written Body Builder program (Vicon, Oxford, UK) and averaged across three running trials. Descriptive data pertaining to the anthropometric segment lengths for the thigh and shank were derived and extracted from the kinematic model. Statistics Descriptive data (i.e., means and SD) were calculated for all outcome variables. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to examine TABLE 1: Biomechanical variables of interest between footwear and barefoot conditions Variable Definition Peak KFM (Nm/kg) Peak external knee flexion moment during stance. Positive values indicate higher KFM. Stance time (s) Time of stance from initial contact (> 20 N) until toe off (< 20 N). Sagittal plane knee-GRF lever arm (mm) Perpendicular distance between GRF and knee joint center in laboratory sagittal plane. Calculated at time of peak KFM. Sagittal plane resultant GRF magnitude (BW) Resultant magnitude of the sagittal plane GRF calculated at time of peak KFM. Force was converted from Newton’s to bodyweight (BW). Knee flexion angle (°) Sagittal plane knee flexion angle at time of peak KFM. Positive values indicate knee flexion. Ankle dorsiflexion angle (°) Sagittal plane ankle dorsiflexion angle at time of peak KFM. Positive values indicate dorsiflexion. Hip flexion angle (°) Sagittal plane hip flexion angle at time of peak KFM. Positive values indicate hip flexion. Knee flexion excursion (°) Difference between the knee flexion angle at initial con- tact and peak across stance phase. Knee flexion at initial contact (°) Knee flexion angle at initial contact of force plate. Initial contact designated as time when GRF > 20 N. BW = bodyweight, KFM = external knee flexion moment, GRF = ground reaction force Current Pedorthics | March/April 2019 23