Current Pedorthics | March-April 2013 | Vol. 45, Issue 2 | Page 54

CHECK IT OUT! PFA’s Symposium & Exhibition 2013: Plan a Tour of Historical Boston … the Cradle of Freedom & Revolution I BY MARGARET HREN, CURRENT PEDORTHICS STAFF CONTRIBUTOR t you were a student in elementary, middle school, high school or even college, we listened to the countless stories in American history class about the fight for our freedom and those revolutionary rabble rousers in Boston who made it possible. These men, The Sons of Liberty, were bigger than 52 Pedorthic Footcare Association history itself; early super heroes, meeting in secret to plot and plan against a king and his government. The City of Boston was a mythical Olympus where The Sons inspired the inhabitants and their supporters to fight for a life they believed everyone deserved no matter how rich or poor.