Current Pedorthics | March-April 2013 | Vol. 45, Issue 2 | Page 42

HOW TO AVOID AND PREVENT MEDICAL BILLING ERRORS IN PEDORTHICS Another major element in most billing strategies is to utilize modern, sophisticated practice management, billing, and digital records systems. to beneficiaries. There is also a standard for maintaining visible licenses and credentials at a place of business. However, although DMEPOS provides a framework of sorts for industry compliance, professionals in the pedorthics industry who have attended multiple Medicare-sponsored seminars may have walked away with less understanding about how to comply with Medicare’s policies because it seems to be interpreted differently, depending on the seminar. Additional problems, according to industry experts, relate to using CERT or Comprehensive Error Rate Testing contractors to evaluate compliance. Multiple types of audits can contradict each other compounding confusion for specialists and the referring physician. This can result in a huge burden for a practice with reimbursement delays, costs associated with additional labor or resource reallocation. Delivering quality patient care is first and foremost but understanding how to get paid or even keeping your reimbursement on that care can certainly be baffling. The fact that DME items are ‘ancillary’ to services is part of what is driving this industry-wide concern over what may be appropriate for any given provider. The Pedorthic Footcare Association, a key industry group, also contends that many errors in various audits stem from issues with documentation submitted by a provider - or lack thereof. Valuable and important details include date of order, physician signature, record date in addition to other items that may be required such as test reports and physician records. Strategies for Combating Billing Confusion Although a raft of regulations and contractual details can confuse practice leadership and diminish revenue or cause serious financial problems within an office, there are ways that you can address and prevent these situations. One of these involves careful analysis of your practice billing cycle over time. Work back to when denials and rejections started to occur. Collecting more data and developing a ‘bird’s eye view’ of your office operations over a longer period of time can often provide invaluable insight for improvement areas. Another major element in most billing strategies is to utilize modern, sophisticated practice management, billing, and digital records systems. Top tier systems automate many functions and will provide continuous compliance updates. Evaluate systems by how they meet your unique environment challenges rather than fitting the technology to your practice. By using your technology effectively, you will receive relief from nearly any of the problems mentioned above. This allows you to place more of your practice’s resources to patient care, marketing your 40 Pedorthic Footcare Association expertise, and customer service. Understanding Medicare’s National or Local Area Coverage Determination policies can also shrink errors. This is the backbone of recognizing the special requirements and documentation that must be met in order to be reimbursed for the services in specific limited circumstances such as found in the pedorthics field. Solid detailed documentation from all relevant care party providers is crucial because without proof of medical necessity, delay and non-payment will occur. Encourage collaboration and communication because this will greatly assist you during the claims submission process. Many of the top payers and clearinghouses also offer real-time online insurance eligibility tools. Aside from verifying coverage, request clarification on exclusions, special restrictions, carve-out updates, and certification prerequisites. Building a partnership with your payers also makes sense. By taking the time to properly verify eligibility up front, you will avoid one less giant headache on the back end. Putting it All Together The key to this kind of efficiency is to hire legitimate, professional and competent medical billing professionals or contract with a third party medical billing service that can furnish the right kinds of tools and resources for your practice. This means having leadership in active dialogue with the folks responsible for your billing and coding, asking the right questions and setting up a range of efficient solutions that will help to perfect a revenue cycle rather than sow seeds of confusion and consequential delays. In an industry with a lot of moving targets, where criteria and standards are transitioning from dynamic to fixed so there is less interpretation, staying on top of change can also be facilitated with ongoing training and education. It’s important for practice leaders to stay engaged and brainstorm ways to protect your livelihood against many of the problems that have plagued others in the pedorthics industry, where even small documentation problems can disrupt the operations of the business and threaten its financial solvency. With a little top- down planning and consistent action, a pedorthics business can go a long way toward setting the stage for many successful years of future operation.