Current Pedorthics | January-February 2014 | Vol. 46, Issue 1 | Page 34

Understanding PFA’s Value as a Practicing Professional: Publications Committee “Off the Shelf,’ a column featuring reviews on professional book publications on medical, social and management topics; and last, but not least, ‘Focus on Research’ which reprints in-depth research abstracts of topical importance offering practitioners insight into new treatment options, research or a perspective on other medical issues that can indirectly effect their patient care. Each issue of CP tries to focus on a theme or topic the readership may find of interest. The editor of CP, Margaret Hren, works closely with the board appointed committee heads led by Chair Rob Sobel, C.Ped., and Co-chair Jay Zaffater, C.Ped, who head the Publications Committee. continuing education. Research is being conducted to possibly develop foreign translations of our most popular PFA manuals, Introduction to Pedorthics and the Professional Shoe Fitting Manual to be offered overseas to those countries where the profession of pedorthics is growing. However, the committee cannot and does not act alone. We need membership support beyond those who work on this committee. As a member of PFA, there are various ways you can support the committee, including: • Submitting topics you wish to read about in Current Pedorthics or submit your own article about a topic you would like to teach others about; • Participate in surveys PFA sends to members. This is an excellent source of information that can generate ideas for Current Pedorthics content; • Carefu H